
First aid terminology

Many terms are used on our website, documents and community management. Below are some commonly used terms that we explain further. In case of ambiguities or missing terms, contact info@socie.nl


Socie platform

The Socie platform consists of four components. These are the server, the community management, the Android app and the iOS app.

Community management

This is the CMS(management.socie.co.uk) of the app. This is where information, design and members are managed.

Community Administrator

A member within the community who is a community administrator has access to community management. Among other things, a community administrator can edit app content and manage member access.

Socie Administrator

Employee of Socie who has access to the Socie platform. These are at least two employees within Socie and they have the power of attorney on the platform.


A group of people with a shared purpose and/or interest. These include: associations, clubs and companies


A user is a person who has access to the Socie platform. A user can join multiple communities, have multiple memberships.


A member within the community. The community administrator can add/import members in community management. A membership is associated with a user based on the email address.


Parties Socie works with, many of which perform administrative tasks for the church, parish or association. These parties are often also the contracting party to churches, parishes or associations, and Socie has links to these partners‘ information systems. Socie’s main partners are: AllUnited, Scipio, Congressus and Acanthis.

Get started today
with your app

Curious about what Socie can do for your community? Get started right away or request a demo.

William van Rijn

Or call William for more information or a personal demonstration of the Socie platform.

Telefoonnummer Socie
This is a staging environment