
At Socie, we work daily to make and expand our App(s) and App Management better. Check out our latest App Updates here!

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  • Release notes

9 July 2024

App New ‘discover groups’ widget on overview page We have added a new widget that allows community members to find interesting groups


5 June 2024

App Entry of access code possible during community search in the App: Users will have the option of entering the access code


26 February 2024

Search group members within the App. It is now possible to search for group members within the (interactive) groups in the App.


16 January 2024

App Automatic notification around pending events and agenda items. As of version 4.8.0, the Socie platform automatically sends reminders around events/agenda items.


19 December 2023

App Add files/attachments to news and events. -> It is now possible to attach files to agenda items, events and news items.


16 October 2023

The collection module has been revamped and improved, making it easier for users to give and removing the threshold of a minimum


12 July 2023

App New module : Locations module. Show locations on interactive maps in the App  Showing members on cards -> It is now


23 May 2023

App Added document search feature: You can now search documents in the App  Added news search feature: You can now search news


21 March 2023

Create and manage events within interactive groups. -> Group administrators or members can add events and agenda items to interactive groups directly


17 January 2023

YouTube video preview feature added in moments module -> When a link to a YouTube video is shared in a post in

William van Rijn

Bring your community to fruition
with the Socie App

Questions? Please feel free to contact William to discuss the possibilities
that Socie can provide to your community.

This is a staging environment