- The overview widget of interactive groups shows an add button as the last item. This button leads to the discovery page of the corresponding module.
- It is now possible to turn off responding at a moments module.
- It is customizable in the media module who is allowed to create albums.
- In the “My Notifications” screen, received notifications can be deleted.
- When the start and end of an event are the same, the list view shows the start time instead of the end time.
- It is now possible for members to create an album from within the app. The App Administrator can set which members are allowed to do this.
- In a few places in the app, the text was sometimes truncated when it was not meant to be. This problem occurred with users who used a text size other than the default. This problem has been fixed with this update.
- Sometimes the sound would not play with a video. This problem has also been fixed.
- The news module displays all news items. Previously, a maximum of 50 were shown.
- It is now possible to edit photos attached to an album, moment or comment before uploading them.
- A dialog has been added that displays after the app is launched when the user is logged in as a guest while a “normal” membership is also available.
- The minimum supported iOS version has been increased from 10 to 12. This means that 0.1% of users no longer receive updates. So they can still continue to use the previous version app. We did this on Apple’s recommendation, and major apps like WhatsApp and Instagram have made this change before.

Bring your community to fruition
with the Socie app
Questions? Feel free to contact William to explore the possibilities
of Socie for your community.