“I simply publish everything that interests me or that I would otherwise forget, such as when the garbage collection comes. I report on all kinds of things. Everything that happens in the village goes into the app – events, notices, videos or photos.”
The village of Bisperode is located in the Weserbergland region and has been using the Socie app for some time now. The app keeps everyone in the village informed. We spoke to Christian Adolph. The app is a project close to his heart, through which he is committed to his village and helps to ensure that the clubs in the village continue to exist.
Can you tell me a bit more about your community?
The village of Bisperode is located in the beautiful Weserbergland. I grew up there and have made it my mission to better connect the village. Unfortunately, the clubs in the village are dying out more and more. If my daughter wants to join a club in the future, she should be able to choose which one she wants to join. There are many good projects in Bisperode. You often find out about it too late. I tried various apps and then found Socie by chance. Now we use the Socie app and all its functions.
Why did you decide to provide an app?
In this day and age, people want to be picked up. They often no longer read newspapers. There’s only one baker in our village and he doesn’t sell newspapers. So you would have to get in the car every morning to buy your newspaper. That is impractical. It is therefore easier to inform people via an app. Everyone has a cell phone, and it’s almost always with them. For example, if you’re waiting at the doctor’s or have a few minutes when you’re sitting on the sofa, you can quickly check the app and you’re up to date. So you can even reach people on vacation. For me, it’s also the easiest way to manage an app.
“For example, if you’re waiting at the doctor’s or have a few minutes when you’re sitting on the sofa, you can quickly check the app and you’re up to date.”
What do you use the app for?
We use the app for everything. I regularly post news and we have a village calendar in which all events and garbage collection dates are listed. There is also a store where villagers can sell things they no longer need but which are still too good to throw away. We also have photo albums where you can see photos of events and a village TV. On Dorf TV, I show YouTube videos that are of interest to the village.

How did the setup of the app go?
I’m a web designer myself, so I had no problem setting up the app. The app administration is also self-explanatory and clear. Everything you need is available and easy to understand. This is also one of the reasons why I continue to use the app. I used the basic version of the app for a year to test it. When I realized that the app was well received, I switched to the Plus version. The app is really clear and fun to use. You can realize yourself well in it. The style of the app can be customized. For example, I added our village logo, which I designed myself, and also adapted the colors of the app the way I wanted them. It’s important to me that even the smallest details are right, and the Socie app makes that possible. It is very extensive and can be customized.
How did the launch of the app go?
Very good. I would say nine out of ten people think the app is good. There are always people who want something different, but you can’t please everyone. We have disabled guest access to ensure the best possible protection for our users’ data. Everyone who wants to be part of the app has to become a member. It was mainly distributed via WhatsApp and Facebook. We quickly had 170 users. I recently launched a flyer campaign to reach people who don’t use social media. The app now has more than 300 users. A lot of it is also about people talking to each other and showing each other the app.
What were the initial reactions to the app?
Super. I still get a lot of positive feedback about the app today. I have to maintain the app, of course. People want new content on a regular basis, which is why I invest a lot of time in the app. The app is a project close to my heart. Through them, I can participate in the village community. Sometimes there are problems when users want to register, but otherwise I only hear positive things.
“I still get a lot of positive feedback about the app today.”
Who manages the app?
I do that on my own. I am also the only one who can post. The other users can only post in the store itself. I have recently set up a new module, LiveIsLive. Users can also post short updates there themselves. This is not possible in the other modules. The app should remain clear and I want to ensure that the information in the app is correct. This works best when only I can post.
Who uses the Socie app?
The older generation (those around 65) has actually gone ahead. They were quick to join in and wanted to share pictures and information. They also shared their addresses and birthdays directly in their profiles and were the first to love being able to see everything and live by the app. I remember a conversation I had with someone who had just come back from vacation. He first checked when the green waste would next be collected.
The younger generation (35 and under) took a little longer, but are now also on board.

What do you do to keep the app relevant?
I simply publish everything that interests me or that I would otherwise forget, such as when the garbage collection comes. I report on all kinds of things. Everything that happens in the village goes into the app – events, notices, videos or photos. In our region there is also a speed camera marathon from time to time. This is also posted in the app. On the day the speed camera marathon takes place, all users receive a push notification at seven in the morning as a reminder. I usually post between three and five articles per week.
How do you and your members like using the app so far?
Very good. The app is uncomplicated. I only get good feedback from others.
What added value does the Socie app offer?
The added value is very high. You no longer need a piece of paper to keep up to date. The added value is huge, especially for clubs. Everyone is informed and nobody misses out on anything. The app is also very practical if someone new moves to Bisperode. This means that everyone can quickly make connections and knows what is happening in the village. The app also brings new intersections. This allows people to get to know each other in a completely different way. Often the people who are interested in soccer are mainly dealing with other people who are interested in soccer. They can also use the app to find out about fire department events, for example. If they are interested, they can now also go to the events and meet new people. One example of these new intersections is the Trecker Verein, which organizes a village beautification event twice a year. Nobody knew that this was happening. Thanks to the app, everyone knows and can participate. And those who are unable to attend can show their appreciation.

“The added value is huge, especially for clubs. Everyone is informed and nobody misses out on anything. The app is also very practical if someone new moves to Bisperode. That way, everyone can make connections quickly and knows what’s happening in the village.”
What do you think are the most useful functions of the app?
We use and need all the functions of the app. The user administration is very good. This allows you to decide whether you want to let guests into the app or not and see who is active in the app. I also find the option of sending notifications very practical. So everyone is involved.
What are you doing to attract new members?
In the beginning, I informed people via WhatsApp, Instagram and Facebook. The app also spreads a lot by itself. The biggest difficulty is reaching people who don’t use social media. I made postcards for them and put them in their letterboxes. This gave me another 50 new members. I think the basic mass has now been reached. There are some who don’t want to take part, and there are always some who still want to join. I think everyone will want to be there at some point. There is still room for improvement. My goal is to have between 500 and 750 members by the end of the year. I’m working on that at the moment.
Would you recommend the Socie app to other communities?
Yes. I was recently offered another app for villages, but for me it had nothing to do with a sensible and serious app with fun content. This app runs from the municipality rather than the village. That’s why content becomes politicized, and I wouldn’t want that. The app can’t keep up visually either.
Socie, on the other hand, is very flexible and is really managed by the village itself. Even people who have no idea about apps can develop their skills here without limits. Socie is highly customizable. You can name modules yourself, add symbols to module names and decide which colors the app should have.