Socie update 4.3.2

  • (ClubApp Sport) The design of the new tennis court reservation module has been changed so that more courts are visible. In most cases, even more jobs are now visible than in the old module.
  • The so-called community switcher has been added. It becomes visible at the bottom left of the bottom navigation bar after it in turned on at a premium with subcommunities. 
  • It is now possible to search the groups shown in the member list.
  • Add button is no longer shown at premiums at ‘switching apps’ screen.
  • Ability to search groups in member list.
  • Sharing audio url on news items adjusted, preference given to the ‘read more’ url over the audio url.

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William van Rijn

Bring your community to fruition
with the Socie App

Questions? Please feel free to contact William to discuss the possibilities
that Socie can provide to your community.

This is a staging environment