It is now possible to have people make a membership request for your community after clicking a link. This link is unique per community and therefore can only be used by people you share the link with. We think this will make it easier for communities to get people on board. The following explains how to generate this link and how the onboarding of new members works.
Set invitation link
If you are not using a membership link, such as our API or Zapier, a new page called “Membership Requests” can be found through the community administration under Members. Upon visiting this page, you can use the green button to generate an invitation link. Then you can set whether the link is active immediately and whether members can also share this link from within the app. The latter option is useful for communities that do not communicate directly with potential app users.
Request to become a member
A person who clicks on the invitation link will be taken directly to the Socie app when it is on their phone. If that person does not already have the app or opens the link on a computer, a Web page is displayed. This page explains how to install the app. Once the app is installed, the user comes out to a page of the community associated with the link. Here the user has the option of making a membership request. It is mandatory here to fill in the first and last name so that you as administrator know who this person is. The e-mail address is also shared with the administrator.
In community management, open membership requests can be accepted or rejected. The person who made the request will be informed of your choice. Rejected requests remain so that these individuals cannot make another request. It also makes it possible to accept the request at a later time.